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 Paroles de "hard day's night" !

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2184
Age : 29
Localisation : Penny Lane
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2007

Paroles de "hard day's night" ! Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles de "hard day's night" !   Paroles de "hard day's night" ! Icon_minitimeSam 11 Aoû - 21:41

It's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright
You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things
And it's worth it just to hear you say you're going to give me everything
So why on earth should I moan, cos when I get you alone
You know I feel OKWhen I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeahIt's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright owwwSo why on earth should I moan, cos when I get you alone
You know I feel OKWhen I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeahIt's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright
You know I feel alright
You know I feel alright
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Paroles de "hard day's night" !
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